Felt Hats - Fedora or Trilby hats

My felt hats are shower proof but do not fair well in heavy rain.  If your hat gets wet, shake off the excess water and leave to dry slowly indoors.  Putting your hat near a heat source to speed up the drying process is not recommended as it may misshape your hat.

To keep your hat clean, use a soft cloth to remove all dust or dirt and for stubborn marks use a damp sponge or hat brush (not too wet).  Any mud should be left to dry thoroughly before removing with a brush.

To store your hat, do not place it in direct sunlight and place it flat in a hat box or on a shelf.  It is not recommended to hang your hat on a hook.

Tweed Caps - flat caps and baker boy caps

My tweed caps are shower proof.  If your cap becomes wet, shake well to remove excess water and leave to dry slowly indoors.  Please do not be tempted to speed up the process by placing on direct heat, as this may cause it to become misshapen.

To keep your cap clean, remove stains with a little steam from the kettle..  Any mud should be left to dry completely before removing with a brush.

It is recommended dry cleaning for Harris Tweed caps.

Store your cap in a cool and dry environment.

Panama Hats

Avoid wearing your Panama hat in the rain, however if it does get wet dry with a clean absorbent cloth.

To remove dust or dirt steam from a kettle and use a soft brush. You can also use a soft nailbrush and a little soapy water.

Store your hat flat and away from sunlight. Always handle your Panama hat by the brim to avioid misshapening the crown.  

Leather Caps

Wet leather caps should be dried with a clean absorbant cloth. Placing your leather cap on direct heat may result in it shrinking, therefore leave it in a warm dry environment.

A soft brush should be used to remove dust and dirt.

Store your leather cap flat and away from sunlight.

  • Man in black leather cap.jpg
  • Man in leather cap